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Robert Elsie
Albanian Literature

Albanian Authors



Sabri HAMITI, 1991 (Photo: Robert Elsie).

Sabri HAMITI, 1991
(Photo: Robert Elsie).




Born in Dumnica near Podujeva in Kosova, poet and critic Sabri Hamiti (b. 1950) studied comparative literature both in Zagreb and at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes in Paris, where the demigods of French structuralism brought their influence to bear on him. He finished his doctorate at the University of Prishtina. Hamiti is the author of numerous volumes of prose, poetry and drama, as well as innovative criticism. Among his most recent verse collections are: Thikë harrimi, Prishtina 1975 (Knife of oblivion); Trungu ilir, Prishtina 1979 (The Illyrian stock); Leja e njohtimit, Prishtina 1985 (Identity papers); Kaosmos, Prishtina 1990 (Chaosmos), and ABC, Prishtina 1994 (ABC).