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Robert Elsie
Albanian Literature

Albanian Authors



Primo SHLLAKU, 2003

Primo SHLLAKU, 2003




Primo Shllaku (b. 1947) is a major figure of Albanian verse from Shkodra. He began writing surreptitiously during the dictatorship. He tells us that all his poems "grew and matured in the shadows. That can be their death or to their honour." He currently lives in Athens, Greece, where he teaches French.

Shllaku is the author of the much-appreciated volumes: Lule nate (Night Flowers), Tirana 1994; Hana e njelmët e ditës (The Salty Moon of Daytime), Tirana 1995; and Edhe fjalët shkojnë në ferr (Words Also Go to Hell), Tirana 2005.